Version 1.22.5

Released: 2004-09-23

Interface for reverse IP DNS through DA (SKINS) new

Ability to easily add and manage reverse dns lookups on server IPs on the system through the dns panel. Just check the checkbox when adding a zone. Enter the domain, ip, and ns1/ns2 as normal correct value. Do not put the ip in for the domain or anything like that.



<input type=checkbox name=reverse value="yes">Create Reverse IP Lookup&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

it goes in with the form for adding a zone, just to the left of the "Add" button.

Ability to compress/uncompress files in the Filemanager (SKINS) new

Bottom of the filemanager show a field and link to create a tar.gz file in the current path. Files in the clipboard will be used. All paths in the tar.gz file will be a full reference from the users home directory. IE: if you store your public_html folder, and save the tar in the directory, the tar will still hold the full path:


This is important for extracting, because the "extract to" path must be set to / (the home directory) when extracting a tar.gz file made with this method so that the files are restored in the correct location. Only when extracting a tar made somewhere else (ie a forum, or anything) will extracting to the specified directory really work with the expected paths.



<form action="/CMD_FILE_MANAGER" method="POST">
<input type=hidden name=action value="compress">
<input type=hidden name=path value="|path|">
<td class=list colspan=4 align=center>|LANG_COMPRESS| |path|/<input type=text size=8 name=file>.tar.gz <input type=submit value="|LANG_CREATE|"></td>

lang/en/filemanager/main.html (for languages)

users/filemanager/extract.html (see new file)




Link to:

from the fronpage setup in the User Panel


<center><a target=_blank href='http://www.|DOMAIN|/_vti_bin/_vti_adm/fpadmcgi.exe'>Frontpage Admin</a><br></center>

Spamassasin user interface (SKINS) new

user/email/spamassasin.html - new file

add /CMD_SPAMASSASSIN?domain=|domain| link in user/email.html (or show_domain.html)

scripts/custom/ new

run after a user is modified.

Not output it sent to DA, but any output the is generated will be logged in the /var/log/directadmin/error.log if the script returns a non-zero value.

Add a dns zone for the server hostname during the install new

During the install process, DA will add a whole dns zone for the servers hostname. This will accomplish 3 things:

  1. Prevents anyone from adding it as a regular domain in DA which will break all system email accounts.

  2. Ensures that the hostname will resolve if the domain uses the server for propagation. (even if the domain uses a different zone).

  3. Mail MX records. can accept emails with MX records.

Disk usage stats fixed

One instance has been seen where the mysql databse totals were -0.00. When that happens, the disk usage get an additional 4 gig due to the way -1 is stored in binary.

Add "UseCanonicalName on" when FP is enabled fixed

When frontpage is enabled, this line will added to the VirtualHosts for This will allow both and (wihtout the www) to work for frontpage.

Added |USECANONICALNAME| to the virtual_host.conf files.

log rotation files are not being kept in the logs directory fixed

When the number of log files in the logs directory is checked, the index pointer is initialized to 0 to show that the index has not yet been set, but index 0 is a valid value, thus if index at position 0 is tagged to be deleted due to age, the next loop around will think that no file has yet been set to the next file will be tagged, regardless of it it isn't the actual value to be deleted (probably the newer file), thus new files are deleted.

If "login-as" feature is used while creating database, system db user gets admin pass. fixed

If "login-as" feature is used while creating database, system db user gets the admin password. This is because the session password is used to set for the system db, thus the admin password is used.

The fix is to set the system db password as the database user password. It will be changed when the DA password is changed for the DA user.

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