User configuration file user.conf

  • general domain data

    • account(ON or OFF): Is account enabled
    • date_created: date (in human readable form) when user is first created
    • creator: user who created this domain. reseller assigned to this account
    • username: name of newly created user
    • usertype(user|reseller|admin): type of created user
    • email: contact email for user
    • language: language set for user
    • domain: default user domain
    • ns1 and ns2: default ns domains for user
    • ip: ip the user should use
    • package: name of the user package
    • auto_security_txt (ON or OFF): enable automatic security.txt (RFC 9116) support
  • suspension details

    • suspended(yes|no): is current account is suspended
    • suspended_reason: reason for suspension
    • suspend_date: unix time stamp when user was suspended
  • security

    • login_keys(ON or OFF): enable creation of user login keys
    • security_questions(yes|no): User has security questions enabled
    • notify_on_all_question_failures(yes|no): When enabled, all incorrect answers will generate a Message to the User (not to Admins). "no" will still send a message to Admin and User after max_security_question_attempts attempts
    • notify_on_all_twostep_auth_failures(yes|no): Notify user on all incorrect codes entries. user will always be notified after 5 failed attempts.
    • twostep_auth(yes|no): does user has two step authentication enabled
    • api_with_password(yes|no): Allow API logins with the current User/password. Login Keys and Session Keys are always allowed.
  • skin options

    • skin: name of selected skin
    • docsroot: relative path to skin data
  • resource limits

    • inode(count or "unlimited"): maximum amount of inode used by user
    • bandwidth (size in MiB or "unlimited"): maximum allowed bandwidth usage per month
    • quota (size in MiB or "unlimited"): maximum disk usage
    • suspend_at_limit (ON or OFF): suspend user when any of the limits are hit
    • sentwarning(yes|no): did user receive resource limit warning
    • additional_bandwidth: amount of additional temporary bandwidth added to user
  • service limits

    • vdomains(count or "unlimited"): amount of domains allowed
    • domainptr(count or "unlimited"): amount of domain pointers allowed
    • nsubdomains(count or "unlimited"): amount of subdomains allowed
    • dnscontrol(ON or OFF): Give user control over their dns zones
    • aftp(ON or OFF): Allow user to set anonymous ftp accounts for their domains
    • ftp(count or "unlimited"): amount of ftp accounts allowed
    • ssh(ON or OFF): allow user to use ssh
    • ssl(ON or OFF): allow user to set up ssl for their domains
    • sysinfo(ON or OFF): give user access to system info
    • cgi(ON or OFF): allow user to set up CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
    • catchall(ON or OFF): allow catch all email for user
    • cron(ON or OFF): allow cron for user
    • php(ON or OFF): enable php for user
    • spam(ON or OFF): enable spamassassin/rspamd for user
    • nemails(count or "unlimited"): amount of email accounts allowed
    • nemailf(count or "unlimited"): amount of email forwarders allowed
    • nemailml(count or "unlimited"): amount of mailing lists allowed
    • nemailr(count or "unlimited"): amount of autoresponders allowed
    • plugins_(allow|deny): colon(:) separated list of of allowed/denied plugins
    • feature_sets: colon(:) separated list of of enabled feature sets
  • all custom package items

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